UF-200 yields accurate results on whatever samples/materials you place – Fashioned for quality, It is because of its three-dimensional vibration, and it has conclusively demonstrated in different cases. That goes to show the model’s versatility and Adjustability.
Its six frames (5 screens) results in a wide range of separation based on recommended standards – It’s functions like a well-designed funnel that yields the finest output.
It generates a lower noise – Thus, it can be set up in common areas around a building/house. It can also run without personnel having to check it from time to time manually. It only requires minimal supervision. You get the model running, and it’s as good as it goes until the output is completed.
UF-200’s screen can be quickly adjusted to meet the given situation/demand – Because it has a quick release mechanism, one can have an almost instant view of partial/test results. This feature is imperative, especially when there are a lot of samples in the queue for sieving operations. Now, that’s efficiency and effectivity rolled into one.
UF-200 is made up of reputable stainless steel – This partly explains its efficient design and actual operation. All its contact parts are also made of stainless steel. You can also upgrade fully or partially to SS316L, and that’s only one of the great thing about UF-200. Upgrades are needed to facilitate Adjustability to different samples/materials as well.